San Cisco

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The Water Teclado

San Cisco



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The Water

Tono:  C Más
The Water Key GG
The Water Key G#G#
The Water Key AA
The Water Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
The Water Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
The Water Key CC(tono original)
The Water Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
The Water Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
The Water Key D#D#
The Water Key EE
The Water Key FF
The Water Key F#F#
C G D 
C G D 

Verse: 1 
C              G 
You hold on to me 
Like an anchor in the water 
C               G 
You told me you feel 
You're feeling colder than the water 
C G D 

C                  G 
Float with me, you me 
To let me hold you like the water 
        C                    G 
There's hope when we see the lights 
Of the city on the water 

C Now we never saw it coming G Our lies revert to nothing Em F It's alright if I still got you C And I'll never stop running G I'm trying to recover Em F That feeling of when I'm with you
C G D C G D Verse: 2 C G What comes between us D Is like wire on the border C G You're close enough to feel D But you're tied up with your people C G It's much, too much for me D When your world's upon my shoulders C G I don't believe they know D What it's like out on the water
C Now we never saw it coming G Our lies revert to nothing Em F It's alright if I still got you C And I'll never stop running G I'm trying to recover Em F That feeling of when I'm with you C Now we never saw it coming G Our lies revert to nothing Em F It's alright if I still got you C And I'll never stop running G I'm trying to recover Em F That feeling of when I'm with you
Bridge C G I don't think we D Could feel anymore unwanted C G Feel her heart sink D To depths you can't imagine C G D C G D
C Now we never saw it coming G Our lies revert to nothing Em F It's alright if I still got you C And I'll never stop running G I'm trying to recover Em F That feeling of when I'm with you
Outro C Now we never saw it coming G Our lies revert to nothing Em F It's alright if I still got you C And I'll never stop running G I'm trying to recover Em F That feeling of when I'm with you

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