Rush of Fools

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Never Far Away Teclado

Rush of Fools



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Never Far Away

(Jason Ingram/Kevin Huguley/Wes Willis)

	  Intro: F9  C  G4/B 

F9                    C 
Another mile down the road 
F9                G4/B 
Another mile from my home 
F9                    C              G/B 
At times I feel quite alone ‘cause You know, 
F9/A                C          G4/B 
‘Cause You know all there is to know 

Dm          Am 
So hold my heart 
C                  G 
As it's breaking apart 
And I'll, 
Dm        Am         G 
I'll hold yours in mine. 

F9  C   G         Am       Am/G 
Oh Oh Oh  You're never far away 
F9  C   G        Am       Am/G 
Oh Oh Oh You're never far away 
F9   C   G        Am      Am/G      G 
Oh Oh Oh You're never far away from me 

F9                         C 
I close my eyes and try to see 
F9                   Gsus4/D 
See you right in front of me, 
F9                         C 
As if you're only in my dreams, 
But you are 
F9                 G4/D 
Everywhere and in between 
Dm            Am 
You're the moonlight 
C                  G 
In the dark of my night. And you 
Dm              Am     G 
Shine bright so I can see 

F9  C   G         Am      Am/G 
Oh Oh Oh  You're never far away. 
F9  C   G           Am    Am/G 
Oh Oh Oh You're never far away 
F9   C   G      Am      Am/G         G                    Fmaj7 
Oh Oh Oh You're never far away from me, from me, from me yeah 

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