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Sheena Is a Punk Rocker Teclado



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Sheena Is a Punk Rocker

(Dee Dee Ramone, Joey Ramone, Johnny Ramone, Tommy Ramone)

Intro: C (x8) 
Well the kids are all hopped up and ready to go  
 They're ready to go now  
They've got their surfboards  
And they're going to the discotheque a go go  
A            F  
But she just couldn't stay  
A          F  
She had to break away  
C                                 G  
 Well New York City really has it all  
Oh yeah, oh yeah.  
   C         F      G  
   Sheena is a punk rocker  
   C         F      G  
   Sheena is a punk rocker  
   C         F      G      C    F G  
   Sheena is a punk rocker now.  
   C         F      G  
   Sheena is a punk rocker  
   C         F      G  
   Sheena is a punk rocker  
   C         F      G      C      
   Sheena is a punk rocker now.  
   She's a punk punk, a punk rocker  
   Punk punk, a punk rocker  
   Punk punk, a punk rocker  
   Punk punk, a punk rocker  
 C  (8x)   
Well the kids...  
   Sheena is a punk rocker...  
 C   x8 

   C         F      G  
   Sheena is a punk rocker  
   C         F      G  
   Sheena is a punk rocker  
   C         F      G      C    F G  C  
   Sheena is a punk rocker now.        


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