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Courtesy Laughs Teclado




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Courtesy Laughs

Áño: 2006 - Álbum: It's Never Been Like That




E                Bm 
I had a fever to empty your closet 
E                       Bm 
I didn't think it would be that hard 
 D                      Bm 
You get to do what you want now see 
D                     Bm   
 Though we'll always have to do it apart see 

 E                          Bm 
I'm gonna scream a hundred thousand words 
 E                      Bm 
Now that your fever is long gone 
D               Bm 
 Your wishes I couldn't tell, huh 
D                 Bm       
I don't hear you talking but pretending to see 

C#m Bm A A A A D D Ain't that enough courtesy laughs
Verse: E Bm I read my future in a fortune cookie E Bm Without any safety procedure in mind D Bm All of your things in the main hall D Bm You told me to get rid of them, so Verse: E Bm Sold an ugly necklace uptown E Bm I found out it was egyptian D Bm I tied up your letters D Bm Buried them all with delegation see
C#m Bm A A A A D D Ain't that enough courtesy laughs
Verse: E Bm I hate that kind of wrong affection E Bm I ain't ready to talk at all D Bm It's all lies, misunderstandings D Bm I'm all alone in the main hall Verse: E Bm I hate that kind of wrong affection E Bm I ain't ready to talk at all D Bm It's all lies, misunderstandings D Bm I'm all alone in the main hall Verse: E Bm I'm gonna read every novel you read E Bm I'm gonna learn what's egyptian D Bm Pretend not to talk too much too D Bm Sacrifice all of my agenda Verse: E Bm I had a fever to empty your closet E Bm I didn't think it would be that hard D Bm You get to do what you want now see D Bm Though we'll always have to do it apart
C#m Bm A A A A D D Ain't that enough courtesy laughs
Verse: E Bm I hate that kind of wrong affection E Bm I ain't ready to talk at all D Bm It's all lies, misunderstandings D Bm I'm all alone in the main hall Verse: E Bm I hate that kind of wrong affection E Bm I ain't ready to talk at all D Bm It's all lies, misunderstandings D Bm I'm all alone in the main hall OUTRO: E Bm E Bm D Bm D Bm

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