Pat Barrett

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Sing To The Lord Teclado

Pat Barrett



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Sing To The Lord

	  F            Bb     F 
Sing to the Lord a new song  
F            Bb           F  
Sing to the Lord all the earth 
In the beauty of His holiness                             
The beauty of His holiness 
F            Bb  
Sing to the Lord a  new song 
F            Bb         F  
Sing to the Lord oh my soul                      
In the wonders of His mighty hand  
The wonders of His mighty hand 
Great is the Lord, we cry            
            C4(7/9)  F      C 
And greatly to be praised  
          Bb     F/A      Bb 
Let every nation rise and say 
        Dm              C4(7/9) 
Our God reigns, our God reigns 
F           Bb     F  
Sing to the Lord a new song 
F           Bb       F 
Worship the Lord evermore 
             F/A    Bb 
In the glory of His majesty  
    Bb    C4(7/9)   F 
The glory of His majesty 
Great is the Lord, we cry           
            C4(7/9)  F      C 
And greatly to be praised  
          Bb     F/A      Bb 
Let every nation rise and say 
        Dm              C4(7/9) 
Our God reigns, our God reigns 

Great is the Lord, we cry            
            C4(7/9)  F      C 
And greatly to be praised  
          Bb     F/A      Bb 
Let every nation rise and say 
        Dm              C4(7/9) 
Our God reigns, our God reigns 

     F                   Bb/F       Dm 
Your banner, Your banner over us is love  
  C       Bb 
Unfailing love 
     F                   Bb   F     Dm 
Your banner, Your banner over us is love 

  C       Bb 
Unfailing love 
     Dm           C      Bb          Dm 
Your banner, Your banner over us is love  
  C        Bb 
Unfailing love 

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