Michael Bublé

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Maybe This Christmas Teclado

Michael Bublé



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Maybe This Christmas


I've been running on my life 

I've been trying to get it right 
Sentimentally, the thing I do well 

But it's Christmas time again 

And I'm missing all my friends 
Million miles away, a toast to the hell 

Now it's a shot out in the dark 

I'm just wishing on a start 
                  D7           G 
And I wish I knew just what to do 
Lord, I think I need your light 

On this cold and silent night 
                          A7             D   D7 
I'm just hanging on, it's all that I can do 

G D A7 And all the snow falling down on the city D D7 And the good souls below G D A7 F#7 Bm It ain't the same, when it comes down and turns into rain G A7 'Cause it's Christmas time, I can't be alone again
D You been running through my mind And no matter how I try A7 When the bells of Old St. Pats start to ring And it's so hard for me to hear You're alone, this time of year D And the bitterness that call must bring D And when you're sitting in the dark And it's falling all apart D7 G I'll be lighting up a candle for you D And know it's said to be alone I wish you joy and peace and hope A7 D Wish you all the love, let your heart can hold
G D A7 And all the snow falling down on the city D D7 And the good souls below G D A7 F#7 Bm It ain't the same, when it comes down and turns into rain G A7 F#7 Bm E7 'Cause it's Christmas time, shouldn't be alone again
Outro G A7 Maybe this Christmas, don't have to be alone again D A7 D

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