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Call Me What You Like Teclado




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Call Me What You Like

(William Gold / Joe Goldsmith / Ash Kabosu / Mark Boardman)

	  Intro Cm  F  Ab  Bb  
        Cm  F  Ab  Bb  

Cm F                      Ab 
   Never was a fan of the internet 
    Bb              Cm 
She never felt safe in her own head 
        F            Ab 
We both hate the news 
          Bb                       Cm 
The feel of grace, oh god, goes you 

F                         Ab 
Smiling when I ask if shes bored yet 
Bb                     Cm 
Wonder if we took it too far 
        F             Ab 
We both taste confused 
Oh darling, what am I to do 

Cm    Bb                 Eb 
   I'd like to think that I'm 
        Eb                Cm 
The only guy she'll see tonight 
        Bb              Eb 
You can call me what you like 
As long as you call me 

Cm Bb And you could kiss the skin under my lips Ab Eb If it makes you feel good F I'm not sure if you want it F Ab I'm not sure if you need me too Cm Bb And you can taste the beer on every guy Ab Eb That talks to you F But you can't stay awake forever Ab Bb No you can't stay awake forever
( Cm Bb Cm Bb ) Cm F Ab And so I find myself in your mum's bedroom Bb Cm Fighting with the pink roller blinds F Ab It's on pay-per-view Bb Cm Just place your bets on who's lost their minds F Ab You take a pirouette under duvet set Bb Cm You sigh with perfect pitch and with time F I'm not made for you Ab But what else is new Bb Oh Lord, she tells me that it's nothing Bb I really hope its nothing
Cm F You could kiss the skin under my lips if it Ab Eb Makes you feel good F I'm not sure if you want it F Ab I'm not sure if you need me too Cm F And you can taste the beer on every guy Ab Eb That talks to you F But you can't stay awake forever Ab Bb No you can't stay awake forever
( Cm F Ab Bb ) ( Cm F Ab Bb ) Cm F This just in Ab Bb I am a total fucking dumbass Cm F And I've come to the uncomfortable conclusion Ab I'll be spending the rest of my life in Bb A state of constant paranoia Cm F Just let me follow you Ab And I'll proceed to bump my head on every Bb Cm Doorway and doorframe you see suitable for us to go through F And I've found that the road to happiness Ab Bb Is paved with rows and rows of very tempting Parking spaces Cm F Ab I'm not paranoid I'm a realist Bb I know you're gonna kill me
Cm F You could kiss the skin under my lips if it Ab Eb Makes you feel good F I'm not sure if you want it F Ab I'm not sure if you need me too Cm F And you can taste the beer on every guy Ab Eb That talks to you F But you can't stay awake forever Ab Bb No you can't stay awake forever Cm F And you could kiss the skin under my lips Ab Eb If it makes you feel good F I'm not sure if you want it F Ab Bb I'm not sure if you need me too Cm F And you can taste the beer on every guy Ab Eb That talks to you F But you can't stay awake You can't stay awake Ab Bb Cm No you can't stay awake forever

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