King Princess

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Little Bother (feat. Fousheé) Teclado

King Princess



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Little Bother (feat. Fousheé)

(Britanny Foushee / Mikaela Straus / Zach Fogarty)

	  Intro  E7M(9)  B  D#m/A# 

I guess 
I'm screwed from a past life 
And that's why I lost you 
  But if I think of the timeline 
You were exhausting 
  But we couldn't have said goodbye 

Yeah it wasn't an option 
  While you're watching the paint dry 
Remember you lost me 

E7M(9) G#m And do you feel like you should B You could have tried a little harder E7M(9) G#m It didn't make me feel good B I was just a little bother
One, two, three E7M(9) Was I a crumb on your sleeve You were something like a God to me B I can't lie it got to me D#m/A# People suck, never us E7M(9) You were my favorite person, it burns I'm separating the words You're not who you said you were B I put you up with the birds E7M(9) This love shit is for the birds I found peace Remember you lost me
E7M(9) G#m And do you feel like you should B You could have tried a little harder E7M(9) G#m It didn't make me feel good B I was just a little bother
E7M(9) I guess I'll see you around (I guess I'll see you around) I guess I'll see you around (I guess I'll see you around) G#m B I guess I'll see you around (I guess I'll see you around) You're a little bother E7M(9) I guess I'll see you around (I guess I'll see you around) I guess I'll see you around (I guess I'll see you around) G#m B I guess I'll see you around (I guess I'll see you around) You're a little bother
E7M(9) G#m And do you feel like you should B You could have tried a little harder E7M(9) G#m It didn't make me feel good B I was just a little bother(Refrão)

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