Johnny Flynn

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The Water Teclado

Johnny Flynn



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The Water

Tono:  C Más
The Water Key GG
The Water Key G#G#
The Water Key AA
The Water Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
The Water Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
The Water Key CC(tono original)
The Water Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
The Water Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
The Water Key D#D#
The Water Key EE
The Water Key FF
The Water Key F#F#
Intro: C  G  C  F 
       C  G  Am  F 

C          G         F 
All that I have is a river 
    Am                E 
The river is always my home 
      C         F 
Lord, take me away 
      Am           F 
For I just cannot stay 
        C          G           Am 
Or I'll sink in my skin and my bones 

     C        G         C          F 
The water sustains me without even trying 
     C          G             Am 
The water can't drown me, I'm done 
         F    C 
With my dyyyyying 

       C       G             F 
Please help me build a small boat 
Am                      E 
One that'll ride on the flow 
          C          F 
Where the river runs deep 
        Am           F 
And the larger fish creep 
      C          G          Am 
I'm glad of what keeps me afloat 

     C        G         C          F 
The water sustains me without even trying 
     C          G             Am 
The water can't drown me, I'm done 
         F    C 
With my dyyyyying 

    C          G       F 
Now deeper the water I sail 
     Am                    E 
And faster the current I'm in 
          C                F 
That each night brings the stars 
        Am         F 
And the song in my heart 
     C             G           Am 
Is a tune for the Journeyman's tale 

     C        G         C          F 
The water sustains me without even trying 
     C          G             Am 
The water can't drown me, I'm done 
         F    C 
With my dyyyyying 

 E                            Am 
Now the land that I knew is a dream 
 E                                  Am 
And the line on the distance grows faint 
    C          F          C         F 
So wide is my river, the horizon a sliver 
     C          F          Am      F 
The artist has run out of paint 

           C           G             F 
Where the blue of the sea meets the sky 
        Am                       E 
And the big yellow sun leads me home 
    C          F 
I’m everywhere now 
    Am        F 
The way is a vow 
       C            G             Am 
To the wind of each breath by and by 

     C        G         C          F 
The water sustains me without even trying 
     C          G             Am 
The water can't drown me, I'm done 
         F    C 
With my dyyyyying 

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