John Frusciante

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Interior Two Teclado

John Frusciante



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Interior Two

	  C                  Am 
  We fall into the hands of doom 
C                    Am 
  We're coming out interior two 
                F             G 
  Why don't you come on over, man 

C                       Am 
  Things here will never be the same 
C                        Am 
  We feed the light with shadows of pain 
                F               G 
  Why don't you come on back again 

F                         C 
  I hear our song in the wind 
F                          C  G 
  I see clouds laughing insane 

C                Am 
  We fall into forever's lap 
C                       Am 
  We speak when all the lines are tapped 
         F                 G 
  And we endlessly come on back 
               C    Am 
  We come on back 

(C Am )(x4) 

F                         C 
  I hear our song in the wind 
F                         C  G 
  I see clouds laughing again 

C                   Am 
  Where ever did we find this night 
C                    Am 
  I'll come back in another life 
               F                 G 
  Why don't you come back over again 
  Won't you come back over 
        Am    C  Am  C  Am 

Come back 
Come back 
Come back 
Come back 
Come back 
Come back 
Come back 
Come back 
Come back 

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