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La Noire - I Always Kill The Things I Love Teclado




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La Noire - I Always Kill The Things I Love

Intro: Cmaj7 Dm7 Em7 Dm7  (2x) 

Verse 1:
Cmaj7      Cmaj7/E      Dm7      G7 
I love the chase til the minute I win it 

Gm7          A7                 Dm7             G7 
A beautiful face til there's love for me in it 

C                    C7/Bb    Am7       Ab7 
Give me your heart and baby I'll bill it 

C                    Am7          Dm7     G    C        Dm7 
Cause I always kill        the things   I    love 

Verse 2:
Cmaj7                Cmaj7/E     Dm7          G7 
Some folk would die for the sake of another 

Gm7                 A7               Dm7           G7 
Lay down their life for their sisters and brothers 

C                C7/Bb   Am7                 Ab7 
For me sacrifice is something quite other  

C                     Am7             Dm7     G   C       Dm7       
Cause I love to kill          the things   I    love 

The look in your eyes 

Will turn to surprise 

Em7                 Em7/b5 
As you feel the pain 

And you realize 

The one hurting you 

Is somebody who  

G                Fmaj7        Em7     Eb7 
Once said 

I love you 

Trumpet Solo: 

Cmaj7      Cmaj7/E     Dm7     G7    Gm7    A7      Dm7   G7 

C  C7/Bb         Am7    Ab7    C        Am7   Dm7   G    C 

Verse 3:
Cmaj7      Cmaj7/E      
Someday we'll pay        

Dm7          G7 
Back all we borrowed 
Gm7              A7             Dm7      G7 
What we love today we'll lose tomorrow 

C                        C7/Bb     Am7           Ab7 
But I won't need to wait for my share of sorrow 

C                    Am7            Dm7      G     C 
Cause I always kill       the things     I     love 

C                   C7/Bb      Am7            Ab7 
I won't need to wait for my share of sorrow 

C                      Am7            Dm7/C    G/B     Fmaj7 
Cause I already killed     the things        I       love 

Fmaj7          Fm7 
The things I love 

The things I love  

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