Frank Sinatra

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I've Got You Under My Skin Teclado

Frank Sinatra



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I've Got You Under My Skin

(Cole Porter)

Verse 1 

       Ab             Db 
I've got you under my skin 
       Ab                Db 
I've got you deep in the heart of me 
      Ebm7                   Ab7         Dbmaj7 
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me 
       Ebm7    Ab7      Db 
I've got you under my skin 

Verse 2 

     Ebm9    Ab13       Db6 
I'd tried so not to give in 
  Ebm7(5b)          Ab13             Db6 
I said to myself this affair never will go so well 
      Cm7                  F13                  Bbmaj7    Bb/D 
But why should I try to resist when baby, I know so well 
     Ebm7    Ab     Db6 
I've got you under my skin 
Ebm9 Ab Dbmaj7 I'd sacrifice anything come what might for the sake of having you near Ebm7 Ab13 Fm7 In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night and repeats E7 Ebm Ab Repeats in my ear Bbm7 Ebm Don't you know little fool Ab Db E7 You never can win Ebm Ab Db Db9 Use your mentality, wake up to reality Gb Gbm7 But each time that I do just the thought of you Db/Ab Db C B Bb7 Makes me stop before I begin Ebm9 Ab Db6 'Cause I've got you under my skin
Instrumental: Ebm9 Ab13 Db6 Ebm7(5b) Cm7 Ebm7 Bbmaj7 Ab
Ebm9 Ab Dbmaj7 I'd sacrifice anything come what might for the sake of having you near Ebm7 Ab13 Fm7 In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night and repeats E7 Ebm Ab Repeats in my ear Bbm7 Ebm Don't you know little fool Ab Db E7 You never can win Ebm Ab Db Db9 Use your mentality, wake up to reality Gb Gbm7 But each time that I do just the thought of you Db/Ab Db C B Bb7 Makes me stop before I begin Ebm9 Ab Db6 'Cause I've got you under my skin

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