Eva Cassidy

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Imagine Teclado

Eva Cassidy


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(John Winston Lennon)


Intro: C   Cmaj7     F  ( x2)  

C             Cmaj7         F  
  Imagine there's no heaven 
C             Cmaj7         F   
  It's easy if    you       try 
C     Cmaj7   F   
  No hell below us  
C             Cmaj7  F  
Above us only    sky  
F Am Dm7 F Imagine all the people G G/F# G/E Living for today
C Cmaj7 F Imagine there's no countries C Cmaj7 F It isn't hard to do C Cmaj7 F Nothing to kill or die for C Cmaj7 F And no religion too
F Am Dm7 F Imagine all the people G G/F# G/E Living life in peace
BRIDGE: F G C E E7 You may say I'm a dreamer F G C E E7 But I'm not the only one F G C E E7 I hope someday you'll join us F G C C And the world will live as one C Cmaj7 F Imagine no possessions C Cmaj7 F I wonder if you can C Cmaj7 F No need for greed or hunger C Cmaj7 F A brotherhood of man
F Am Dm7 F Imagine all the people G G/F# G/E Sharing all the world
F G C E E7 You may say I'm a dreamer F G C E E7 But I'm not the only one F G C E E7 I hope someday you'll join us F G C C And the world will live as one F G C E E7 You may say I'm a dreamer F G C E E7 But I'm not the only one F G C E E7 I hope someday you'll join us F G C C And the world will live as one

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