Etta James

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How Deep Is The Ocean Teclado

Etta James



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How Deep Is The Ocean

Áño: 1994 - Álbum: Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday

(Irving Berlin)

Introdução: Em B7/13- Em7 C#m5-/7 B7/13- B7 

Em       B7/13-       Em7                 
How much do I love you?     
I'll tell you no lie  
Bm        F#7    Bm     
How deep is the ocean?    
How high is the sky? 
G    G7         C9        Cm7 
How many times a day do I think of you? 
Gdim   A7   Edim Cdim          D7     
How many roses, are sprinkled with dew? 
Em         B7/13-     Em7            C#m5-/7 
How far would I travel   to be where you are? 
Bm         F#7    Bm                    D9 
How far is the journey, from here to a star? 
G   G7 E7/9-    E7      Am     Am7+     Am7  C#m5-/7 
And if I  ever lost you, how much would I cry? 
G  G/F#     A9     D7      
How deep is the ocean?      
Am7    D7         G  F#m5-/7 B7/9- 
How high is the sky? 

Interlude: Em B7/13- Em7 C#m5-/7 Bm F#7 Bm D9 G G7 C9 Cm7 Gdim A7 Edim Cdim D7  
Bm         F#7    Bm                    D9 
How far is the journey, from here to a star? 
G   G7 E7/9-    E7      Am     Am7+     Am7  C#m5-/7 
And if I  ever lost you, how much would I cry? 
G  G/F#     A9     D7      
How deep is the ocean?      
Am7    D7         G   
How high is the sky? 

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