Em Beihold

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Numb Little Bug Teclado

Em Beihold



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Numb Little Bug

Intro:  F  G  Am 
        F  G  Am  E 

I don't feel a single thing 
Have the pills done too much? 
Haven't caught up with my friends in weeks 
  E         G    F# 
And now we're out of touch 
I've been driving in LA 
And the world it feels too big 
Like a floating ball that's bound to break 
    E       G   F# 
Snap my psyche like a twig 

And I just wanna see 
If you feel the same as me 

E F# G#m Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? E F# Like you're not really happy but you don't G#m Wanna die E Like you're hanging by a thread but you D#m G#m Gotta survive D# Cause you gotta survive E F# Like your body's in the room but you're not G#m Really there E F# Like you have empathy inside but you don't G#m Really care E D#m Like you're fresh out of love but it's been G#m In the air D# Am I past repair?
E B A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I F# Don't G#m E B F# A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope D#m G#m A little bit tired of sinkin E There's water in my boat B I'm barely breathin D# Tryna stay afloat E B F# So I got these quick repairs to cope D# Guess I'm just broken and broke
( B ) B The prescriptions on its way B With a name I can't pronounce E And the dose I gotta take E Boy I wish that I could count E7M Cause I just wanna see Em If this could make me happy
E F# G#m Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? E F# Like you're not really happy but you don't G#m Wanna die E Like you're hanging by a thread but you D#m G#m Gotta survive D# Cause you gotta survive E F# Like your body's in the room but you're not G#m Really there E F# Like you have empathy inside but you don't G#m Really care E D#m Like you're fresh out of love but it's been G#m In the air D# Am I past repair?
E B A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I F# Don't G#m E B F# A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope D#m G#m A little bit tired of sinkin E There's water in my boat B I'm barely breathin D# Tryna stay afloat E B F# So I got these quick repairs to cope
Final: E7M Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? D#m/A# Like you're not really happy but you don't Wanna die G#m Like a numb little bug that's gotta survive B C# That's gotta sur- vive

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