Dan + Shay

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Good Things Teclado

Dan + Shay



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Good Things

Tono:  B Más
Good Things Key F#F#
Good Things Key GG
Good Things Key G#G#
Good Things Key AA(Disminuir uno tono)
Good Things Key A#A#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key BB(tono original)
Good Things Key CC(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key C#C#(Aumentar uno tono)
Good Things Key DD
Good Things Key D#D#
Good Things Key EE
Good Things Key FF
D A E A  
D A E A  
Said some things I ain't proud of  
D/A     A   
 I wish I could take back  
A                        F#m   E    A    
 Never meant to make you hurt like that, no  
For a while it was perfect  
D/A         A  
You made my world stand still  
A                          F#m E  A      
Oh and something about you always will  
D A E F#m So when it's late at night and you're still wide awake D A E If you're with your friends or you're lonely D A Fdim F#m When you hear somebody start to say my name D A/C# Oh when you think of me E A I hope you think good things D A E A (I hope you, I hope you) Think good things) D A E A (I hope you, I hope you) Think good things) (I hope you)
A Picture that night in Portland D/A A We drank three bottles of wine A F#m E A I said I love you about a million times A And then we drove to Seattle D/A A And Just to kiss in the rain A F#m E A Now when it's pouring do you see my face
D A E F#m So when it's late at night and you're still wide awake D A E If you're with your friends or you're lonely D A Fdim F#m When you hear somebody start to say my name D A Oh when you think of me E A I hope you think good things D A E A (I hope you, I hope you) Think good things) D A E A (I hope you, I hope you) Think good things) (I hope you)
Break: D E F#m Think of the way that I started to shake when I held you for the first time D E A And every kiss that our lips made feel like New Year's Eve at midnight D E E Think of the 3 AM conversations, all of the big dreams that we were chasing down A And if I ever cross your mind somehow
D A E F#m When it's late at night and you're still wide awake D A E If you're with your friends or you're lonely D A Fdim F#m When you hear somebody start to say my name D A/C# Oh when you think of me E N.C I hope you think good things

there is a video lesson for this song
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Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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