Chris de Burgh

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Snow Is Falling Teclado

Chris de Burgh



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Snow Is Falling

Áño: 2007 - Álbum: Storyman/Road to Freedom

(Chris de Burgh)


Am Dm Am  
Am Dm Am 

verse 1 
        Am               Dm             Am 
Snow is falling, snow is falling on the ground 
       Am             Dm                Am 
In the forest, in the forest there's no sound 
          F                 C 
A shallow grave is where we lie 
    G                Am 
The boys and men who died 
    C       F              C 
And snow is falling on the ground 
           G             Am 
And we are calling to be found 

F Dm E 

verse 2 

        Am               Dm               Am 
And the seasons, and the seasons come and go 
       Am                     Dm               Am 
In the springtime, birds will sing and flowers grow 
            F               C 
At summer's end, the autumn breeze 
     G                   Am 
Will whisper through the trees 
    C          F              C 
And leaves are falling on the ground 
           G       E     Am 
And we are calling to be found 

F Dm E 

Am Dm Am  
Am Dm Am 

verse 3 

           F              C 
And in our homes, so many tears 
     G                        Am 
They don't know where we have gone 
            F              C 
And snow is falling on the ground 
           G             Am 
And we are calling to be found 
G      F       G     Am 
We are calling to be found...... 

Am Dm Am  
Am Dm Am  

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