Chris Cornell

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Our Time In The Universe Teclado

Chris Cornell



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Our Time In The Universe


G                F                  Em 
Waiting, upon the dunes of earth and sand, 
       Eb      G              F             C   
In the morning, the flame appears upon your hand. 
G                     F             Em  
Swallow, the fears of empty promise hearts, 
       Eb    G        F               C 
And remember, we only just got to the start. 


F        C             G 
Save the dying arms of midnight, 
F       C                 Eb   
For the patients that are lapse of life 

G B7 Em C Cuz its our time, in the universe, G B7 Em C And I don't mind, if we're blessed or cursed. G B7 C And its our time, in the universe, Cm F Yours and mine.
G F Em Breathing, beneath a mile of earth and sky, Eb G F C In the sunlight, I will appear before your eyes. G F Em So don't worry, on what tomorrow holds for you Eb G F C I'll be waiting, at the end of every road you choose. F C G Save the dying arms of midnight...
G B7 Em C Cuz its our time, in the universe, G B7 Em C And I don't mind, if we're blessed or cursed. G B7 C And its our time, in the universe, Cm F Yours and mine.
Bridge: C Ab See it unfold no matter the end, Ab Db See it unfold no matter the means, Db A# See it fold up whatever happens to be, A# Is what it will be, A# D Its what it will be...
G B7 Em C Cuz its our time, in the universe, G B7 Em C And I don't mind, if we're blessed or cursed. G B7 C And its our time, in the universe, Cm F Yours and mine. G Yours and mine...

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