Chris Cornell

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Long Gone Teclado

Chris Cornell



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Long Gone

(Chris Cornell/Jerome Harmon/Edna Lewis/Timothy Mosley/Balewa Muhammad/Patrick Smith)

Tono:  F Más
Long Gone Key CC
Long Gone Key C#C#
Long Gone Key DD
Long Gone Key D#D#(Disminuir uno tono)
Long Gone Key EE(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Long Gone Key FF(tono original)
Long Gone Key F#F#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Long Gone Key GG(Aumentar uno tono)
Long Gone Key G#G#
Long Gone Key AA
Long Gone Key A#A#
Long Gone Key BB
Intro: F - C - G - Dm 

F    C     G                             Dm 
Baby, I used to watch your flowers grow  

              F     C                G                        Dm 
Now it's raining and all your petals turns to stone  

                   F    C 
I've been praying,  

G                           Dm 
I turn around and see my rose  

             F      C          G                      Dm 
But you faded, you left, me now it's time to go  

                       F                      C 
That's why I'm long gone, long gone  

         G                      Dm 
You need to let me fly alone  

                     F                         C 
That's why I'm long gone, long gone  

       G                        Dm 
It may be to late our time is done  

F   C       G                              Dm 
Baby, I think you've got your timing wrong  

 F    C             G                           Dm 
Hating, exploring this while we're riding on  

             F     C       G                           Dm 
And it's crazy to think that I could be reborn  

            F        C           G                                Dm 
If you saved me now it's too late and you'll never know  

   F                                         C 
You're like a diamond and I'm like glass  

 G                                   Dm 
Like oil and water we always clash  

F                                                   C 
Sometimes my confessions are hard for me  

     G                           Dm 
I'll tell you now I'm setting you free  

                       F                      C 
That's why I'm long gone, long gone  

         G                      Dm 
You need to let me fly alone  

                     F                         C 
That's why I'm long gone, long gone  

       G                        Dm 
It may be to late our time is done  

With broken wings (with broken wings)  

I can't fly (I can't fly)  

      C                                                Dm 
I'm gonna need you to save me, angel of mine  

                       F                      C 
That's why I'm long gone, long gone  

         G                      Dm 
You need to let me fly alone  

                     F                         C 
That's why I'm long gone, long gone  

       G                        Dm 
It may be to late our time is done  

With broken wings 

I can't fly... 

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