Chris Cornell

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Can't change me Teclado

Chris Cornell



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Can't change me

(Chris Cornell)


Em         E7sus4 Em6     C7/E   

Em         E7sus4 Em6     C7/E  
She can do anything at all 
Em         Em6        A         
Have anything she pleases 
Em         E7sus4 Em6     C7/E  
The power to change what she thinks is wrong 
Em         Em6        A   
What could she want with me yeah 

C7M              B7 
Wait just one minute here 
      G                        C                       
I can see that she's trying to read me 
Suddenly I know 

G A Em6 She's going to change the world C7M B7 But she can't change me C7M B7 Em No she can't change me (3x)
Intro Em E7sus4 Em6 C7/E She has the daylight at her command Em Em6 A She gives the night its dreams yeah Em E7sus4 Em6 C7/E She can uncover your darkest fears Em Em6 A Make you forget you feel them Pre-Chorus C7M B7 Wait just one minute more G C I can see that she's trying to free me Cm Suddenly I know
C7/E Em Em6 Suddenly I can see everything that's wrong C7M With me yeah G Em6 Em B7 What can I do I'm the only thing I really have Em At all
Intro C7M B7 Wait just one minute here G C I can see that she's trying to read me Cm Suddenly I know Chorus

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