Chris Cornell

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Call Me A Dog Teclado

Chris Cornell



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Call Me A Dog

(Chris Cornell)

	  (verse 1) 

 Am           G               D      C   Em 
You call me a dog well that's fair enough 
 Am                G         D           C    Em 
'cause it ain't no use to pretend you're wrong 
 Am              D           Em      F 
When you call me out i can't hide anymore 
 Am          G                   Em 
I have no disguise you can't see through 

(verse 2) 
 Am                   G            D          C    Em 
Well you say it's bad luck to have fallen for me 
 Am             G              D        C    Em 
Well what can i say to make it good for you 
 Am         D           Em         F 
You wore me out like an old winter coat 
 Am          G             Em 
Tryin' to be safe from the cold 

C Csus4 C G Gsus4 G But when it's my time to throw the next stone D Am G Gsus4 G I'll call you beautiful if i call you at all E7 You call me a dog
(verse 3) Am G D C Em You tell me i'm low 'cause i slept on the floor Am G D C Em And out in the woods with the badgers and the wolves Am D Em F You threw me out 'cause i went digging for gold Am G Em And i came home with a handful of coal
C Csus4 C G Gsus4 G But when it's my time to throw the next stone D Am G Gsus4 G I'll call you beautiful if i call you at all C Csus4 C G Gsus4 G But when it's my time to call your bluff D Am G Gsus4 G I'll call you beautiful if i call you at all E7 You call me a dog
(bridge) D Well that's fair enough E G Bb C It doesn't bother me D As long as you know E G Bb C Bad luck will follow you D D D D If you keep me on a leash and you drag me along (solo) Am G D C Em (2x) Am D Em F Am G Em
C Csus4 C G Gsus4 G But when it's my time to throw the next stone D Am G Gsus4 G I'll call you beautiful if i call you at all C Csus4 C G Gsus4 G But when it's my time to call your bluff D Am G Gsus4 G I'll call you beautiful if i call you at all E7 You call me a dog

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