Chris Cornell

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Be Yourself Teclado

Chris Cornell



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Be Yourself

(Chris Cornell)

Tono:  Bm Más
Be Yourself Key F#mF#m
Be Yourself Key GmGm
Be Yourself Key G#mG#m
Be Yourself Key AmAm(Disminuir uno tono)
Be Yourself Key A#mA#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Be Yourself Key BmBm(tono original)
Be Yourself Key CmCm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Be Yourself Key C#mC#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Be Yourself Key DmDm
Be Yourself Key D#mD#m
Be Yourself Key EmEm
Be Yourself Key FmFm
Intro: Bm  D  G  Em 


Bm                 D 
 Someone falls to pieces 
sleepin all alone 
 Em                Bm 
someone kills the pain 
spinning in the silence 
    G              Em 
to finally drift away 
Bm                D 
  someone gets excited 
in a chapel yard 
 Em            Bm 
catches a bouquet 
another lays a dozen 
       G           Em 
white roses on a grave 

Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do
( Bm D G Em ) (2x) Segunda Parte: Bm D G someone finds salvation in everyone Em Bm and another only pain D someone tries to hide himself G Em down inside himself he prays Bm D someone swears his true love G until the end of time Em Bm another runs away D Separate or united? G Em Healthy or insane?
Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do
( Bm D G Em ) (2x) Ponte: G A And even when you've paid enough Bm D Been pulled apart or been held up G A with every single memory of Bm D the good or bad faces of luck G A don't lose any sleep tonight Bm D i'm sure everything will end up alright G A you may win or lose
Bm D G Em but to be yourself is all that you can do Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do Bm D G Em to be yourself is all that you can do

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