5 Seconds Of Summer

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Bad Dreams Teclado

5 Seconds Of Summer



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Bad Dreams

Tono:  C Más
Bad Dreams Key GG
Bad Dreams Key G#G#
Bad Dreams Key AA
Bad Dreams Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
Bad Dreams Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Bad Dreams Key CC(tono original)
Bad Dreams Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Bad Dreams Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
Bad Dreams Key D#D#
Bad Dreams Key EE
Bad Dreams Key FF
Bad Dreams Key F#F#
Intro: C  F  Am  G (2x) 

verse 1: 

  You look so beautiful  
  no one but me knows you're insane 
  I feel so damn pathetic 
  my friends just don’t get it 

  cause you've got me under oath 
  before you I was in a fucking rut  
  one day you're in the past 
  That night I ask you back 


G               F                G 
  It started out just harmless fun 
and now you've got me thinking you're the one 

C Cause if you want to take me home G you know I'm ready to leave Am you've got me under your spell F please don't set me free C cause I've been having all these nightmares G Am seeing you is my only way of feeling so defenseless F G C but I'm telling you I wouldn't change a thing
C F Am G verse 2: C You've got me feeling strange C cause I love to hate you so damn much F but I can't think of leaving F cause you're what keeps me breathing Pre-Chorus G F G It started out just harmless fun F and now you've got me thinking you're the one
C Cause if you want to take me home G you know I'm ready to leave Am you've got me under your spell F please don't set me free C cause I've been having all these nightmares G Am seeing you is my only way of feeling so defenseless F G C but I'm telling you I wouldn't change a thing
Interlude: C F Am G Breakdown: C Take me home G you know I'm ready to leave Am you've got me under your spell F please don’t set me free
C Cause if you want to take me home G you know I'm ready to leave Am you've got me under your spell F please don't set me free C cause I've been having all these nightmares G Am seeing you is my only way of feeling so defenseless F G C but I'm telling you I wouldn't change a thing
C F Am G

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