Wolf Gang

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Midnight Dancers Acordes

Wolf Gang



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Midnight Dancers

(Max McElligott)

	  A#           D#             G#               D# 
Here we go again, on the cobble streets of Paris, 
          A#               G#m                 D#         G# 
Well go dancing round the square and everyone will stop and stare, 
         G#m           D#  
At the lovers of the night. 
     D#        A#            G#              D#    G#      A# 
And time has drifted on, but we still do it right, oh. 

             Fm                                    A# 
Oh, isnt it enough now that you know our chance is gone, 
                      D#            A#         G# 
To have you for the night - you've had me all along. 
         Fm                              A# 
Isnt it enough now that you can hardly breathe? 
           G#        A#                 Fm 
Oh, just stay, just stay the night with me.  
A#                 Fm        A# 
Stay the night with me. 

         D#                      A#             
Well I danced the floors of a thousand rooms, 
        D#                  G# 
And I picked you up and it all felt new. 
  D#                     G# 
What you think theyre gonna do if we just run, 
And broke the rules. 
    D#             A#               G# 
But you will never break them with me. 
  G#          A#             G#         A# 
Yeah, you will never break them with me. 

             Fm                                    A# 
Oh, isnt it enough now that you know our chance is gone, 
                      D#            A#         G# 
To have you for the night - you've had me all along. 
         Fm                              A# 
Isnt it enough now that you can hardly breathe? 
           G#        A#                 Fm 
Oh, just stay, just stay the night with me.  
A#                 Fm        A# 
Stay the night with me. 

  G#           D#    A#                           G#  
I keep trying to move on, theres something in the way. 
              D#   A#                             G# 
Youve had me so long and its the way it'll always stay. 
               D#               A#                  G# 
Ive been trying to move on, theres something in the way, yeah. 

             Fm                                    A# 
Oh, isnt it enough now that you know our chance is gone, 
                      D#            A#         G# 
To have you for the night - you've had me all along. 
         Fm                              A# 
Isnt it enough now that you can hardly breathe? 
           G#        A#                 Fm 
Oh, just stay, just stay the night with me.  
A#                 Fm        A# 
Stay the night with me. 

A#           D#             G#               D# 
Here we go again, on the cobble streets of Paris, 
          A#               G#m                 D#         G# 
Well go dancing round the square and everyone will stop and stare, 
         G#m           D#  
At the lovers of the night. 

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