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That's What I Get Acordes




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That's What I Get


D     Bm          D         G       D     Bm  D  G 
Honestly, part of me gives into temptation 
D     Bm            D 
Is it real? I can't say 
        G    D     Bm  D  G 
Need an affirmation 
D              Bm                 D     G 
I don't know if I should stay this long 
D              Bm                    D      G 
Tell me all the things that I've done wrong 
D     Bm          D      G       D      Bm  D  G 
Honestly, what we need is communication 

D        Bm                Em 
Girl, if you don't want it now 
Then you should spell it out 

D Bm Heart on my sleeve D G D Bm D G I just can't believe that I wasn't doing enough D Bm D G I'd never give up on you, but you gave up on me D Bm D G And that's what I get for falling in love
D Bm D G Sick of this, it happens every time D Bm D G Drink too much and say you need a ride D Bm D G I don't know if I should stay this long D Bm D G Maybe I should just be moving on D Bm Em Girl, if you don't want it now G Then you should spell it out
D Bm Heart on my sleeve D G D Bm D G I just can't believe that I wasn't doing enough D Bm D G I'd never give up on you, but you gave up on me D Bm D G And that's what I get for falling in love
( D Bm D G ) ( D Bm D G ) ( D Bm D G ) ( D Bm D G ) Final: D Bm D G D Bm D G Hard to believe you couldn't see that you and me could be enough D Bm D G I gave up on you 'cause you gave up on me D Bm D G And that's what I get for falling in love D Bm D G That's what I get for falling in love D Bm D G D Bm D G That's what I get for falling in love

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