Travis Clark

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Found In You Acordes

Travis Clark



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Found In You

(Travis Clark)


           C                                F 
Where do I find the kind of love that won't run out 
           C                            Am7          G 
Where do I find the kind of friend that won't let me down 
           Am7                                F4              G 
Where do I find the kind of peace where I can finally stop and breathe 

C   G/B              Am7 
Jesus, it's found in You, Lord 
Only in You 
C   B                Am7 
Jesus, it's found in You, Lord 
Only in You 
       Am7             G           F 
No one else could ever do what You do 
It's found in You 

( F  C  F ) 

           C                                   F 
Where do I find the strength to get me through each day 
           C                                 Am7      G 
Where do I find the kind of grace that never turns me away 
         Am7                                    F              G 
Where do I find the kind of hope that shines so bright forevermore 

C  G/B               Am7 
Jesus, it's found in You, Lord 
Only in You 
C  G/B               Am7 
Jesus, it's found in You, Lord 
Only in You 
       Am7             G           F 
No one else could ever do what You do 
              C    G/B 
It's found in Yo - ou 
              Am7  F 
It's found in Yo - ou 

   Am7      F            C/E 
My hope, my strength, my peace 
It's found in You 
   Am7     F          C/E 
My joy, my song, everything 
It's found in You 
   Am7      F            C/E 
My hope, my strength, my peace 
It's found in You 
   Am7     F          G 
My joy, my song, everything 
It's found in You 

C  G/B               Am7 
Jesus, it's found in You, Lord 
Only in You 
G C  G/B               Am7 
  Jesus, it's found in You, Lord 
Only in You 

G      Am7        G                F 
No one else could ever do what You do 
              C    F 
It's found in Yo - ou 
              Am7  F 
It's found in Yo - ou 
              C    F 
It's found in Yo - ou 

( Am7  F ) 

It's found in You 

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