Tokio Hotel

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Invaded Acordes

Tokio Hotel



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(Patrick Benzner/Guy Chambers/David Jost/Bill Kaulitz/Tom Kaulitz/Dave Roth)

Tono:  E Más
Invaded Key BB
Invaded Key CC
Invaded Key C#C#
Invaded Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
Invaded Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Invaded Key EE(tono original)
Invaded Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Invaded Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
Invaded Key GG
Invaded Key G#G#
Invaded Key AA
Invaded Key A#A#
Capo en el 4º traste

Em         Am          G      B7  
One night, one scream, one echo 
Em      Am     G    B7 
Silence louder than before 
Em       Am       G       B7   
One tear of blood on the floor 
Em        Am         G       B7 
Cold wind through my broken door 

Em           Bm        
Oooh, you're beautiful 
Em            Bm 
Don't you go, I need you so 

Dead all the pain that we shared 
Dead all the glory we had 
It's over, it's over 
But I'll always be 
Lost in today and the past 
Lost in the future we had 
It's over, it's over 
But I'll always be 
   A/Esus4  Em     A/Esus4 
Invaded by you 
A/Esus4    Em 
Invaded by you 

Em       Am        G          B7 
No life, no sound ,just you and I 
Em      Am         G         B7 
The end feels like the first time 

Em           Bm 
Oooh, you're beautiful 
Em              Bm 
Don't you go, I need you so 

Dead all the pain that we shared 
Dead all the glory we had 
It's over, it's over 
But I'll always be 
Lost in today and the past 
Lost in the future we had 
It's over, it's over 
But I'll always be 
Invaded by you 
Invaded by you 

Em    Bm 
Home, come home 
Em    Bm        Em 
Home, come home 

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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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