The Warning

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Free Falling Acordes

The Warning



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Free Falling

(The Warning)

	  F                 C# 
I put my life in your hands 
G#            D# 
I gave you my trust 
F               C# 
And I believed every lie 
G#               D# 
That came out of your mouth 
F                     C# 
I'm getting soaked in my tears 
G#              D# 
Drowning in my fears 

F              C#       G#     Bb 
I believe that we had a chance 
F               C#                 G#     Bb 
But it all went away with a single glance 

F                    C# 
Nothing has changed, I'm crashing through space 
G#                         D# 
I'm burning up and there's nothing that can put out this flame 
F                     Db\F 
You killed my dreams, burned my wings 
Now I'm crying and screaming and cursing, you're calling 
While I'm free falling 

F           C# 
You took my fantasies 

Turned my world upside down 
F                C# 
You wore me down not knowing 

You were hurting me this much 
F           C# 
Now I can't go back 

There'll be no more of us 

F              C#       G#     Bb 
I believe that we had a chance 
F               C#                 G#     Bb 
But it all went away with a single glance 

F                    C# 
Nothing has changed, I'm crashing through space 
G#                         D# 
I'm burning up and there's nothing that can put out this flame 
F                     Db\F 
You killed my dreams, burned my wings 
Now I'm crying and screaming and cursing, you're calling 
D#              (solo 1) 
While I'm free falling 

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Tab - Solo 1 E|------15pbr--11--13-------15pbr--11--13---------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------14-14-16-13----13-13-11br-9-11--| G|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
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E|------------13----16br--------15----15-16-------------13---16br-----------15br----| B|----11br-13----13----------------16------------11br-13--13--------------------16--| G|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
F C# G# Bb I believe that we had a chance F# C# And nothing will change, I'm crashing through space G# D# I'm burning up and there's nothing that can put out this flame F Db\F You killed my dreams, burned my wings G# Now I'm crying and screaming and cursing, you're calling D# (solo 2) While I'm free (falling)
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Tab - Solo 2 E|------15pbr-11-13--------15pbr-11-13---------13--13----11-----------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------------------------------| x2 D|--------------------------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------|
Fall (fall, fall, free falling) (Fall, fall, free falling) (Fall, fall, free falling) (Fall, fall, free falling) All (fall, fall, free falling) (Fall, fall, free falling) (Fall, fall, free falling) Free falling

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