The Wanted

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Heartbreak Story Acordes

The Wanted



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Heartbreak Story

(Ki Fitzgerald/Max George/Pete Glenister/Jay McGuiness/Jack McManus/James F. Reynolds)

Capo en el 4º traste

Capo on 4 

Em*                             G* 
  She was staring out the window 
And the snow, it was falling 
Seemed like everything I used to know, mmmm 
It was crumbling 
Em                     G                Am* 
She cannot cope and it hurts inside her mind 
Couldn't let it go, let it go 
Em*                   G* 
Couldn't bear to ever be alone 
Am*                       C* 
She wondered how this had happened 

   G               Am              Em 
He gave you up and then he let you down 
            C               G 
And all the trust is broken now 
                   Am             Em 
You can't remember how it used to be 
                     C                G 
Doesn't have to be a heartbreak story 
                Am             Em 
Just say you'll let me in your heart 
            C                   G 
I should've been there from the start 
                 Am                  Em 
I promise you as long as you're with me 
                  C -once          (pause) 
There'll never be heartbreak story 

Em                                    G 
  Girl, there is no need to hide away 
What's done is done now 
Tangled up, you and I lay 
Here together as one now 

Em                    G            Am 
I'll surround you and keep you safe 
Everyday, everyday 
Em                       G        Am 
I know you never like to be alone 
And now you don't have to 

   G               Am              Em 
He gave you up and then he let you down 
            C               G 
And all the trust is broken now 
                   Am             Em 
You can't remember how it used to be 
                     C                G 
Doesn't have to be a heartbreak story 
                Am             Em 
Just say you'll let me in your heart 
            C                   G 
I should've been there from the start 
                 Am                  Em 
I promise you as long as you're with me 
                  C -once          Em G 
There'll never be heartbreak story 

  Am                     C                Em G Am C -once 
Ohhh,  there'll never be heartbreak story 

   G*              Am*             Em* 
He gave you up and then he let you down 
            C*              G 
And all the trust is broken now 
                   Am             Em 
You can't remember how it used to be 
                     C                G 
Doesn't have to be a heartbreak story 
                Am             Em 
Just say you'll let me in your heart 
            C                   G 
I should've been there from the start 
                 Am                  Em 
I promise you as long as you're with me 
                  C               G 
There'll never be heartbreak story 

                 Am                  Em -once 
I promise you as long as you're with me 
                  C -once         G -once 
There'll never be heartbreak story 

Have fun and RATE :) 

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