The Vamps

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Hurricane Acordes

The Vamps



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Tono:  A Más
Hurricane Key EE
Hurricane Key FF
Hurricane Key F#F#
Hurricane Key GG(Disminuir uno tono)
Hurricane Key G#G#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Hurricane Key AA(tono original)
Hurricane Key A#A#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Hurricane Key BB(Aumentar uno tono)
Hurricane Key CC
Hurricane Key C#C#
Hurricane Key DD
Hurricane Key D#D#
	  (A E F#m D) 

        A         E           F#m         D 
Rolled out of bed today and I feel brand new 
    A        E             F#m       D 
And I cannot explain so let me show you 

         A E F#m           D 
I feel alive    and I'm gonna have to let it show 
  A E F#m              D 
Try      kick me down I'm a full hot air balloon 
Bm                           C#m 
I'm gonna take this in my stride 

     A                   E                F#m         D 
I'm feeling tip top, I'm not gonna stop, tapping my shoes 
  A                      E                  F#m       D 
I ain't got a clue, got nothing to lose, so watch me move. 
                  A E F#m D                         A E F#m D 
It's a brand new day     I'mma hit you like a hurricane 
   A             E      F#m            D 
I blow the clouds away spinning like a whirlwind lost within the stars 
   A        E                F#m            D 
Smiling in the rain now the drops can tear my world apart 

       A E F#m           D 
And I fly    gonna show let them know that this is a 
    A E F#m                   D 
Smile      hold me down but I'mma tell the world 
          Bm                       C#m 
That I'm high, my head's up in the sky 

     A                   E                F#m         D 
I'm feeling tip top, I'm not gonna stop, tapping my shoes 
  A                      E                  F#m       D 
I ain't got a clue, got nothing to lose, so watch me move. 
                  A E F#m D                         A E F#m D 
It's a brand new day     I'mma hit you like a hurricane 

    E                D          Bm 
And so, I hope the grass gets greener 
     E                D        Bm 
I'm sure, it's gonna all get clearer 
   E               D          Bm 
I know, I'm gonna turn this around 'cause 
     D        Bm                  D      Bm 
I'm not gonna let you try to keep me down   no 

     A                   E                F#m         D 
I'm feeling tip top, I'm not gonna stop, tapping my shoes 
  A                      E                  F#m 
I ain't got a clue, got nothing to lose,       with you 

     A                   E                F#m         D 
I'm feeling tip top, I'm not gonna stop, tapping my shoes 
  A                      E                  F#m       D 
I ain't got a clue, got nothing to lose, so watch me move. 
                  A E F#m D                         A E F#m D 
It's a brand new day     I'mma hit you like a hurricane 

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