The Moody Blues

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You and Me Acordes

The Moody Blues

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You and Me

	            D           A         E 
There?s a leafless tree in Asia 
           D            A        E 
Under the sun there?s a homeless man 
          D       A          E 
There?s a forest fire in the valley, 
           D    A   E 
Where the story all began. 
D         A           E 
What will be our last thought? 
        D        A          E 
Do you think its coming soon? 
D         A      E 
Will it be a comfort? 
       D         A       E 
Or the pain of a burning wound? 
(Chorus)        A          D         E 
		All we are trying to say 
                          A       D         E 
		Is we are all,  all  we?ve got. 
		A          D           E 
		You and me just cannot fail 
                       A        D       E    (  F#m        G       A         F#m       G       A) 
		If we never, never stop. 
          D      A       E 
You?re an ocean full of faces 
         D        A    E 
And you know that we believe. 
             D         A       E 
We?re just a wave that drifts around you 
         D       A        E 
Singing all our hopes and dreams 
   D       A      E 
We look around in wonder 
       D         A         E 
At the work that has been done. 
       D       A      E 
By the visions of our father, 
D              A         E 
Touched by his loving son. 
(Chorus x2) 
F#m                                     G              A         G         A         E 
You nad me just cannot fail???????.  If we never,     ever,    never,      ever      stop 
(repeat chords D / A /  E   for the last lead)  This is a great song, I hope it 
formats correctly to the site. 


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