The Horrors

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Primary Colours Acordes

The Horrors



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Primary Colours

(The Horrors)

|E   |E  Abm|A   |A  Dbm x2 

E                                     Abm 
Praise him for his character has no defects 
  A                           Dbm 
A shining example and one to rely on 
E                                    Abm 
The newest messiah now all rolled into one 
A                                             F# F#m  
Cover his shoulders in primary colours 

A            E   
  In primary colours 

Dbm        A 
But as he falls asleep 
Dbm             A 
The coloured lights will keep 
Dbm       A 
Unwanted vigil over 
Dbm                    A 
Where he is, he don't know where he is 

E                                  Abm 
Demands of a million now everyone needs him 
A                                 Dbm 
Sycophants send him to the edge of reason 
E                                    Abm 
Everyone knows him, he knows himself better 
A                                                  F# F#m 
Haunted by alpha he fears that they'll leave him 

A            E 
  In primary colours  

Dbm        A 
But as he falls asleep 
Dbm          A 
The coloured lights will keep 
Dbm       A 
Unwanted vigil over 
Dbm                    A 
Where he is, he don't know where he is 
              F#m E     F#m A E   F# E    F#m A  Dbm    B 
He don't know 
E                                 Abm 
Our pack leader will confront his fears 
A                                           Dbm 
Though new kings are born, he'll stay on his throne 
E                                Abm 
Riding through town on a chariot high 
A                                E 
Glory adorned and immortalised 

A            E 
  In primary colours 
F# F#m    A           E       Ebm E 
           In primary colours 

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