The Gaslight Anthem

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Dark Places Acordes

The Gaslight Anthem



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Dark Places

(Brian Fallon/The Gaslight Anthem/Benny Horowitz/Alex Levine/Alex Rosamilia)

Tono:  D Más
Dark Places Key AA
Dark Places Key A#A#
Dark Places Key BB
Dark Places Key CC(Disminuir uno tono)
Dark Places Key C#C#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Dark Places Key DD(tono original)
Dark Places Key D#D#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Dark Places Key EE(Aumentar uno tono)
Dark Places Key FF
Dark Places Key F#F#
Dark Places Key GG
Dark Places Key G#G#
	  standard tuning 


if i thought it would help i would drive this car into the sea 

if the fire and smoke and explosions could speak for me 

                             A                  Bm                      A 
if the words that i used to try to explain how something inside of me started to break 

         G             A 
ah, but one by one my words just got in the way 

D   A  G   A 

 G                     A                 D 
how many nights did i crash against the waves with my head going under 

 G                   A                          D  
how many days did i spend trying to see it your way, if you try you remember 

   Bm                      A               G                           A              Bm 
i changed and changed and kept on saying "one of these days something inside's gonna break" 

        A                      G      A 
and we won't get it back now, baby (something's gonna break) 


      Bm                            A                      G      A 
if i thought it would help i would carve your name into my heart 

          Bm                            A                      G      A 
and if i thought it would help i would carve your name into my heart 

 D                        A                    Bm                     A 
all of the things that i tried to explain how something inside of me started to break 

         G                    A              D    A    G 
we were living proof, one by one we drifted away 

        A                   D    A    G    A 
one by one we drifted away 

verse 2 

G                           A                             D 
time after time there were things that would scare me to tears, while you called me haunted 

G                   A             D 
i paced around the bed where you laid 

                          G           A 
one of these days, baby, something… (something's gonna break) 


      Bm                            A                       G       A 
if i thought it would help i would carve your name into my heart 

          Bm                            A                       G       A 
and if i thought it would help i would carve your name into my heart 

D                         A                    Bm                     A 
all of the things that i tried to explain how something inside of me started to break 

         G                    A 
we were living proof, one by one we drifted away 


F#              G            Bm              A 
…drifted away, drifted away… one by one and day by day 

   G                      A                D 
i became the dark in the places where you live 


      Bm                            A                       G      A 
if i thought it would help i would carve your name into my heart 

          Bm                             A                      G      A 
and if i thought it would help i would carve your name into my heart 

D                         A                    Bm                     A 
all of the things that i tried to explain how something inside of me started to break 

         G                    A              D     A    G 
we were living proof, one by one we drifted away 

        A              D     A    G 
one by one we drifted away 

we were living proof 

        A              D 
one by one we drifted away 

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