The Divine Comedy

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I Like Acordes

The Divine Comedy



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I Like

Tono:  Bb Más
I Like Key FF
I Like Key F#F#
I Like Key GG
I Like Key G#G#(Disminuir uno tono)
I Like Key AA(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
I Like Key BbBb(tono original)
I Like Key BB(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
I Like Key CC(Aumentar uno tono)
I Like Key C#C#
I Like Key DD
I Like Key D#D#
I Like Key EE
	  | Bb | Eb | Gm | C |  
| Eb | F | Gsus4 | G |  
| C | F | Am | D |  
| F | G | Am | D |  
| F | Bb | G | C |  

F            G     Bb            F 
 I like your nose, I like your hair  
F            G     Bb            F 
 I like you clothed, I like you bare  
F            G           Bb               F 
 I like your boots, your skirts and your blouses  
F            G           Bb               F 
 I like your suits, your shirts and your trousers  

G            A     C            G 
 I like your mild political stances  
G            A     C            G  
 I like your wild spontaneous dances  
Bb         A       G#        G      F#                F 
I like the way you drive me insane, morning, noon and night  

I like you cause you’re sexy  
          Eb                Gm 
I like the sexy things you dress in  
          C                      Eb      F                G 
I like it when you’re sitting next to me whispering sexy things  
I like you cause you like me  
           F              Am 
I like the poems that you write me  
          D                  F             G  
I like the pictures that you thoughtfully draw for me  
      Am               D 
They make me look all right  
     F      Bb      G       C 
Oh yeah, I like, I like, I like  

F            G     Bb            F 
 I like the way you make me laugh  
F            G     Bb            F 
 I like your brain, both left and right half  
F            G           Bb               F 
 I like the songs you sing when you’re bathing  
F            G           Bb               F 
 I like your dog when he’s behaving  

G            A     C            G 
 I like your car, you curse like a trooper  
G            A     C            G 
 During a hard reversing manoeuvre  
Bb         A       G#        G      F#                F 
I like the way we kiss and we make up after a fight G  

I like you cause you’re sexy  
          Eb                Gm 
I like the sexy things you dress in  
          C                      Eb      F                G 
I like it when you’re sitting next to me whispering sexy things  
I like you cause you like me  
           F              Am 
I like the poems that you write me  
          D                  F             G  
I like the pictures that you thoughtfully draw for me  
      Am               D 
They make me look all right  
     F      Bb      G       C 
Oh yeah, I like, I like, I like  

| C | F | Bm | E |  
| G | C | A | D |  

I like you cause you’re crazy  
          G            Bm 
I like the way you do whatever you like  
       E        G          A              Bm           E 
It constantly amazes me, baby please, stay with me tonight  
     G      C       A      D 
Oh yeah, I like, I like, I like  

| D | G | Bm | E |  
| G | C | A | D | 

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