The Civil Wars

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Birds Of A Feather Acordes

The Civil Wars



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Birds Of A Feather

D                    Dm 
Where she walks, no flowers bloom 
Cadd9     G    D 
He's the one I see right through 
D                  Dm 
She's the absinthe on my lips 
Cadd9        G     D 
The splinter in my fingertip 

F C Dm Dsus2 But who could do without you? F C Cadd9 Asus2 And who could do without you?
Verse: She's the sea I'm sinkin' in He's the ink under my skin Sometimes I can't tell where I am Where I leave off and he begins
But who could do without you? And who could do without you?
Bridge: D Dm Cadd9 G D Oh, we're a pretty, pretty pair, yes we are D Dm Cadd9 G All, all the king's horses and all of his men couldn't F C Dm Dsus2 Tear us apart Oooo F C Cadd9 Asus2 Aaaaah Ooooo Verse: Dancing with a ball and chain Through it all we still remain Butterflies around the flame Till ashes, ashes, we fade away

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