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Free Falling Acordes




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Free Falling

Capo en el 5º traste

Intro: A D D Dmaj7 E (2x) 

        A    D     D     Dmaj7   E 
She's a good girl, she loves her mama 
     A       D     D     Dmaj7  E 
She loves Je-sus and America    too 
        A    D     D     Dmaj7  E 
She's a good girl, crazy about  Elvis 
    A     D          D    Dmaj7     E      
She loves hors-es and her boyfriend too 

Break: A D D Dmaj7 E 

       A    D    D      Dmaj7 E 
It's a long day  living in    Reseda 
          A    D     D       Dmaj7       E  
There's a free-way   running through the yard 
      A   D    D           Dmaj7  E 
I'm a bad boy, cause I don't even miss her 
      A   D       D        Dmaj7 E 
I'm a bad boy for breaking her   heart 

A D D Dmaj7 E And I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing A D D Dmaj7 E Yeh I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing
Verse: All the vampires walking through the valley Move west down Ventura Boulevard All the bad boys are standing in the shadows And the good girls are home with broken hearts
A D D Dmaj7 E And I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing A D D Dmaj7 E Yeh I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing
Verse: I wanna glide down over Mulholland I wanna write her name in the sky Gonna free fall out into nothing Gonna leave this world for a while
A D D Dmaj7 E And I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing A D D Dmaj7 E Yeh I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing
Bridge: A D A5 E (2x)
A D D Dmaj7 E And I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing A D D Dmaj7 E Yeh I'm free A D D Dmaj7 E I'm free fall-ing (2x)
Ending: A D A E A

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