Steel Panther

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Community Property Acordes

Steel Panther



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Community Property

(Lexxi Foxxx/Satchel/Michael Starr/Stix Zadinia)

	           Am                        F 
I would give you the stars in the sky  
But they're too far away  
Am                           F 
If you were a hooker, you'd know  
I'd be happy to pay  
Am                      F 
If suddenly you were a guy  
I'd be suddenly gay  

           Am               G 
'Cause my heart belongs to you  
    Am               G 
My love is pure and true  
    Am               G 
My heart belongs to you  
        F one time 
But my cock is community property  

            Am                       F 
You're the only girl that I like to screw  
When I'm not on the road  
     Am                        F 
When I come home, my dinner's made  
And the front lawn is mowed  
I'll kiss your mouth  
      F                    G 
Even after you swallow my load  

           Am               G 
'Cause my heart belongs to you  
          Am                        G 
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do, for you  
    Am               G 
My heart belongs to you  
        F one time              Am   G 
But my cock is community property  

   Am              G 
I wanna make it clear  
So you retain it  
   Am              G 
My dick's a free spirit  
And you can't restrain it  
F                           Am 
No, you just can't chain it down  

Solo: Am G Am G Am G as same rythm as the Chorus 

Am                     F 
I love you so much it hurts  
From my head to my feet  
Am                    F 
I think of you and I can't  
Help but fondle my meat  
Am                     F 
I see your face every time  
That I go out and cheat  

           Am               G 
'Cause my heart belongs to you  
          Am                        G 
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do  
    Am               G 
My heart belongs to you  
      Am                     G 
But my dong is community property  
             Am              G 
Yeah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah, nah... 
              Am              G 
Community property, oh nah, nah... 
              Am      G 
Community property 
              Am      G 
Community property 

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