Stacey Kent

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Only The Lonely Acordes

Stacey Kent



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Only The Lonely

(Sammy Cahn and Jimmy Van Heusen)

Introdução: Em Fdim B7 Em Am  Em A7/9 B7 

Em    Am7 Em D9 Bb7M  Dm6 E7/9- E7 
Each  place  I  go  only  the  lonely go 
C    G/B  Am7 G    G/F#  Bm5-/7  E7 
Some very    small     cafe 
Em   Am7  B7 Em  B Em7 Em6    B7       B7/A  
The songs I know,       only the lonely know 
Am7  G D9 G G/F# 
Each melody 
     E7 D9  G         D7   Gdim 
Recalls a love that used to be 
    Cdim      D9   Bb7M  Dm6 E7/9-     E7 
The dreams I dream, only the lonely dream 
C  G/B Am7  G   G/F#  Bm5-/7 E7 
Of lips as warm     as May 
Em   Am7  B7  Em  B Em7 Em6       B7       B7/A 
That  hopeless  scheme     only  the  lonely  scheme 
Am7   G    D9   G   G/F# 
That soon, somewhere 
        E7   D9  G        D7     Gdim  
You'll find the one that used to care 
    Cdim   E7   C7M       Bm7 
And you'll recall each fun time 
Edim   C         C/B     Am7        Am7/G    G7M 
Those picnics at the beach, when love was new 
  F#7    G    Dm7  E7     Am7 Am7+ 
It well could be      the one time 
  A7         A7/13        D7        Em7   A7    D7 
A hopeless little dream like that comes true 
Cdim Am7  D7  E7/9  Em7/9 Gdim Em7/9- Fdim E 
 If  you  find  love, hang   on   to   each  caress 
Am7  G D9  G  Bm5-/7 E7/9- E7 
And never let love   go 
Em  Fdim B7    Em           Am  Em  A7/9   B7 
For when it's gone, you'll know the loneliness 
Am7  G  D9 G G/F#  Am7 Cdim D7   G 
The  heartbreak  only  the  lonely     know 

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