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Blow Up The Outside World Acordes




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Blow Up The Outside World

Áño: 1996 - Álbum: A-Sides

	  Intro-E C E C E C E C 
E      C                   E      C E       E7                      D   C 
Nothing seems to kill me no matter how hard I try 
F#                                      B   G 
Nothing's closing my eyes 
C                                  A7                               F#    B  A  F# 
Nothing can bring me down for your pain or delight 
E           C                      E         C E       E7                      D    C 
And nothing seems to break me no matter how hard I fall 
F#                                       B   G 
Nothing can break me at all 
C                           A7                           F#       A 
Not one for giving up though not invincible I know 
A		                    C		                	              B	  
I've given everything I need I'd give you everything I own 
                                     G        C#m    A 
I'd give in if it could at least be ours alone 
A                                C                                        F# 
I've given everything I could to blow it to hell and gone 
                                  E                 C 
Burrow down in and blow up the outside 
E                  C 
Blow up the outside  
E                  C         E         D 
Blow up the outside world 
E         C                E                      C 
Someone tried to tell me something 
E            E7                              D   C 
Don't let the world bring you down 
F#					    B   G 
Nothing can do me in before I do myself 
C				A7                                 F#	  A 
So save it for your own and the ones you can help uh huh 

A		                    C		                	              B	  
I've given everything I need I'd give you everything I own 
                                     G        C#m    A 
I'd give in if it could at least be ours alone 
A                                C                                        F# 
I've given everything I could to blow it to hell and gone 
                                  E                 C 
Burrow down in and blow up the outside 
E                  C 
Blow up the outside  
E                  C         E         D 
Blow up the outside world 
(Then comes the solo...just improvise on E)_ 
A   C  A  D6 
          Want to make it understood 
A   C  A  D6 
		Trying though I never would 
A   C  A  E			 C 
		Trying though I know it's wrong 
A   D6 A  E            C 
		Blowing it away and gone 
A   D6 A  E               C 
		Wishing though I never could 
A   D6 A  E            C 
		Blow up the outside  
          E            C 
		Blow up the outside 
          E            C 
		Blow up the outside world 
E				E				E 
blow up the outside blow up the outside blow up... 


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