Smashing Pumpkins

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In The Arms Of Sheep Acordes

Smashing Pumpkins



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In The Arms Of Sheep

(Billy Corgan)

	  Smashing Pumpkins - In the Arms of Sheep (Billy's Gravity Demos) 

Tuning: 1/2 step down 

Intro: Em 

Come back baby, Show us what you got 
Come back baby, You're worth a lot 
C                    G       Bm        Em 
Come back lover, You can't escape this world 
Come back baby, Show us what you got 
C                    G      Bm       Em 
Come back lover, You know I need you now 

C       D     Em      A 
And all I can say, to you 
       C                         G 
is i'm rather taking over self a blue(?) 

Bm      Em          C         G 
Come on take it all alone yeah 
Bm     Em           C        G 
beauty only wrote a song yeah  
Bm      Em          C 
Come on waiting all alone yeah 

C       D     Em      A 
For all I can say, to you 
            C                            G     Em 
Is when the rain comes it makes you feel blue 

Come back lover, You're worth a lot 
Come back lover, Make it 'till you got 
C         G          Bm              Em 
Come back lover, You know I need you well 
Come back lover, Show us what you got 
C         G      Bm              Em 
Come back kid, I know I love you now 

C       D     Em      A 
For all I can say, to you 
            C                            G      
Is when the rain comes it makes you feel blue 

Bm            Em          C          G 
It's what you make it all alone yeah 
Bm      Em           C        G 
Come on baby i'm the one yeah 
Bm       Em            C     
What you got is what I need 

C       C     Em      A 
And all I can say, to you 
            C                        G 
Is when the rain comes it washes you blue 


Come back lover 
Come back dear 
Come back lover 
Come back dear 
C         G      Bm                  Em 
Come back lover, Show us what you've got X3 

Outro: C G Em 

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