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Sing To The Lord Acordes




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Sing To The Lord

(Korey Cooper)

F Bb D C F Bb D C Sing to the Lord you His people. Sing to the Lord you His saints. D Bb F C Bb C With strength and might He rules the nations. Leading captives in His train. F Bb D C F Bb D C Sing to the Lord you His people. Sing to the Lord you His saints. D Bb F C Bb F C F He makes His glory shine upon us. We will never be the same.
Verse F Bb F Bb D Give thanks unto the Lord. Call on His holy name. Let the hearts Bb D C F of those who fear Him marvel at His wondrous ways. Give thanks Bb F Bb D unto the Lord. Join heaven's resounding praise. Sing, shout and Bb D Bb F C dance before Him. Celebrate with songs of praise.

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