
Início > Six60 > acordes

Special Acordes




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Tono:  D#m Más
Special Key A#mA#m
Special Key BmBm
Special Key CmCm
Special Key C#mC#m(Disminuir uno tono)
Special Key DmDm(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Special Key D#mD#m(tono original)
Special Key EmEm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Special Key FmFm(Aumentar uno tono)
Special Key F#mF#m
Special Key GmGm
Special Key G#mG#m
Special Key AmAm
D#m7  C#  B  C#  B  C#  D#m7 

D#m7  C#  B  C#  B  C#  D#m7 

Iâ??ve been aiming for the top 
Just like a rocket taking off 
You got me high Iâ??m flying in a dream 
Got me feeling like the one  
And after everything youâ??ve done 
Just let me take this little moment to say 
D#m7  C#  B  C#  B  C#  D#m7 

That youâ??re so special to me 
All that I want and need 
Youâ??re so special to me 
And I want the world to see 
So special, special 
D#m7  C#  B  C#  B  C#  D#m7 

See I always feel the rush 
And I donâ??t tell you this enough 
But youâ??re the one who makes me happy  
Youâ??re my future donâ??t deny it 
From time to time I bid to ride it 
But I guess what I am trying to say 
D#m7  C#  B  C#  B  C#  D#m7 

Is youâ??re so special to me 
All that I want and need 
Youâ??re so special to me 
And I wonâ??t the world to see 
So special, special  
D#m7  C#  B  C#  B  C#  D#m7 

I know, you know, I know that you know that youâ??re so special 
I know, you know, I know that you know that youâ??re so special 
I know, you know, I know that you know that youâ??re so special 
I know, you know, I know that you know  
D#m7  C#  B  C#  B  C#  D#m7 

Youâ??re so special to me 
All that I want and need 
Youâ??re so special to me 
And I wonâ??t the world to see 

Youâ??re so special to me 
All that I want and need 
Youâ??re so special to me 
And I wonâ??t the world to see 

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Aumentar uno tonoAumentar uno tono
Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
auto avanzar rasgueos aumentar disminuir cambiar color esconder acordes simplificar gráficos columnas
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