Sinéad O'Connor

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Nothing Compares 2 U Acordes

Sinéad O'Connor


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Nothing Compares 2 U

(Prince Rogers Nelson, Prince)

	  F                          C
 It's been seven hours and fifteen days
Dm                               F C7
 Since you took your love away

F                          Em
 I go out every night and sleep all day
Dm                               F C7
 Since you took your love away

F                                    Em
 Since you've been gone I can do whatever I want
Dm                            F C
 I can see whomever I choose

F                               C7+
 I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant
    Dm                                A
But nothing, I said nothing can take away these blues

       Eb         Bb     Eb          Bb       C
'Cause nothing compares, nothing compares 2 U

F                       C7+
 It's been so lonely without you here
Dm                              F C7
 I'm like a bird without a song
F                               C7+
 Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
         Dm                   Bb
Tell me baby, where did I go wrong?

F                                  C7+
 I could put my arms around every boy I see
Dm                                F C7
 But they'd only remind me of you

F                                       C7+
 I went to the doctor and guess what he told me
Guess what he told me

He said, girl you'd better try to have fun
No matter what you do, but he's a fool

       Eb         Bb     Dm               C
'Cause nothing compares, nothing compares 2 U

F C7+ Dm   F   C7    F    C7+    Dm  F  C7

F                                       C7+
All the flowers that you planted, mamma, in the backyard
Dm                           F C7
 All died when you went away

F                                     C7+
 I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard
Dm                                  A
 But I'm willing to give it another try

Eb         Bb     Dm          C
Nothing compares, nothing compares 2 U

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