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Hammerhead Acordes




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Tono:  E Más
Hammerhead Key BB
Hammerhead Key CC
Hammerhead Key C#C#
Hammerhead Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
Hammerhead Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Hammerhead Key EE(tono original)
Hammerhead Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Hammerhead Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
Hammerhead Key GG
Hammerhead Key G#G#
Hammerhead Key AA
Hammerhead Key A#A#
| E  F#7  | A    | 
| E  F#7  | A    | 

    E          F#7    A                   E   F#7  A 
I'm lying on a bed of nails, calling your name 
    E             F#7   A                          E   F#7  A 
The room is going up in flames but to you it's the same 
F#m                  B 
That won't keep you away, you'll only say 
G#m     F#7      E 
I can't love you that way 
    G                   F#7                    E 
But where's my peace of mind at the end of the day? 

| E  F#7  | A    | 
| E  F#7  | A    | 

    E          F#7    A               E   F#7  A 
I'm lying on a bed of sin, wasting my time 
E               F#7   A                           E   F#7  A 
Thinking of all those things that could have been mine 
F#m                  B 
That won't keep you away, you'll only say 
G#m     F#7      E 
I can't love you that way 
    G                   F#7                    E 
But where's my peace of mind at the end of the day? 

| E  F#7  | A    | 
| E  F#7  | A    | 

| E    | F#7    | A    | E    | 
| E    | F#7    | A    | E    | 

E F#7 A E But you can't pick me up and you can't drag me down E F#7 A E Leave me alone, I need a room, a place to drown E F#7 A E It's not my will, this waking hell, that keeps me around E F#7 A E It's not my will, this waking hell, that keeps me around E F#7 A E Nail driven into me, head where you drive it to hammer in your hand held E F#7 A E Nail driven into me, head where you drive it to hammer in your hand held E F#7 A E Nail head hammer held, nail head hammer held, nail head hammer held E F#7 A E Nail head hammer held, nail head hammer held, nail head hammer held E F#7 A E Nail head hammer held, nail head hammer held, nail head hammer held E F#7 A A Nail head hammer held, nail head hammer held, that keeps me, keeps me around
Outro | E F#7 | A | | E F#7 | A | E |

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Aumentar uno tonoAumentar uno tono
Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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