Seals and Crofts

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Baby I'll Give It To You Acordes

Seals and Crofts



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Baby I'll Give It To You

(Jimmy Seals)

Capo en el 3er traste
rd Fret 
Intro:      (## sung a Cappella up to the 2nd Am ##) 
      You say you wanna know 
      What you gotta do 
      To make me forget 
      What you put me through 
      So you want a chance to prove 
      G                 Am            G 
      Loving me is everything to you___ 

C F C Baby, I'll give it to you___ F C Am Baby, I'll give it to you___ Dm Fm C Am No one can make me feel like you do C F C F-C So baby, I'll give it to you
INTERLUDE: C G F C I just want you to know G I know I done you wrong Am When I wasn't here F The nights were so long Am And I wanted you so G Am G But oh-oh, now I'm back again and I'm begging you, please
C F C Baby, I'll give it to you___ F C Am Baby, I'll give it to you___ Dm Fm C Am No one can make me feel like you do C F C F So baby, I'll give it to you
BRIDGE 1st Part: Dm You gotta hold me closer than you did before C Fm And always be there, so I'll know for sure C F I really, really love you and I'm here to stay C F But I promise you, tomorrow's gonna be a better day BRIDGE 2nd Part: D Well, that's all we gotta do Am Then baby I'll know D I'll be loving you C F And we can start over
C F C And baby, I'll give it to you___ F C Am Baby, I'll give it to you___ Dm Fm C Am No one can make me feel like you do C F C F-C So baby, I'll give it to you
C F C And baby, I'll give it to you___ F C Am Baby, I'll give it to you___ Dm Fm C Am No one can make me feel like you do C F C So baby, I'll give it to you

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