San Cisco

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Mission Failed Acordes

San Cisco



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Mission Failed

Intro: A  F#m 

verse 1 
A                  F#m 
Maybe it's ok it's fine 
     A                  F#m 
But you’re going try to pretend 
 A                     F#m 
You’re not losing your mind 
       C#m                        D 
You'll break coz you won't let it bend 
        C#m                 D  
And you failed your mission again 
A                           F#m 
When you can't get what you want 
    A                       F#m 
You search all through the night 
A              F#m 
Shadows on the road 
C#m                       D 
Remind you of a different time 
C#m                        D 
You’re chasing that fading light 

F#m E I love to hear your lies C#m Bm When you tell me we’ll be friends F#m E I can see it in your eyes C#m Bm I'll never see you again
verse 2 A F#m A broken heart is never the same A F#m Although you can try to pretend A F#m All that sadness will run through your veins C#m D Maybe we should just be friends C#m D There's heartache around the bend
F#m E I love to hear your lies C#m Bm When you tell me we’ll be friends F#m E I can see it in your eyes C#m Bm I'll never see you again
Bridge A F#m A F#m A F#m C#m D C#m D verse 3 A F#m Loving isn't a crime A F#m You sneak around like a fool A F#m You did the same last time C#m D You'll break coz you won't let it bend C#m D You failed your mission again
F#m E I love to hear your lies C#m Bm When you tell me we’ll be friends F#m E I can see it in your eyes C#m Bm I'll never see you again (2x)

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