Ryan Adams

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Tightrope (acoustic) Acordes

Ryan Adams



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Tightrope (acoustic)

Capo en el 2º traste

 Gsus2    Em7      Em7 
 Gsus2    Em7      Em7 
verse 1       
       Gsus2             Em7        Em7 
Strong winds and my   heads on     fire 
 Gsus2                 Em7              Em7 
Walk another day a    cross the high    wire 
 C/G                                 D/A  
I'm on a tightrope watch it as it swings  
 C/G                                 D/A  
Like a countdown ticker on New Year's Eve 

verse 2       
       Gsus2          Em7             Em7 
We run the numbers, spinning in the side 
 Gsus2                 Em7                              Em7 
 Counting all the reasons that we are broken and we lied 
 C/G                                D/A  
I'm on a tightrope watch it as it swings  
 C/G                                            D/A  
Heating up the metal, putting pressure on the springs 

Em7 F# G C And all I want is for you to Dsus2 .Cadd9. Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 make me smi .. le… Em7 F# G C And all I want is for you to Dsus2 .Cadd9. Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 drive me wil .. d…
verse 3 Gsus2 Em7 Em7 Pretty candles on a birthday cake Gsus2 Em7 Em7 Covered in confetti with the caffeine shakes C/G D/A Fuck all that money, everything is trash C/G D/A Papers in the glove box, light it up and pass verse 4 Gsus2 Em7 Em7 Flip on the news we watch it til we sleep Gsus2 Em7 Ain't nothing but static and the panic and the feeling manic C/G D/A I'm on a tightrope watch it as it swings C/G D/A Heating up the metal, putting pressure on the springs
Em7 F# G C And all I want is for you to Dsus2 .Cadd9. Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 make me smi .. le… Em7 F# G C And all I want is for you to Dsus2 .Cadd9. Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 drive me wil .. d…
Outro Gsus2 Em7 Em7 Gsus2 Em7 Em7 C/G slide D/A C/G slide D/A C/G slide D/A C/G

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