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Toxic Till The End Acordes




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Toxic Till The End

(Evan Blair / Michael Pollack / Emily Warren / Rosé)

	  Intro C  D  G  Em 

C                D                   G 
 Call us what we are, toxic from the start 
Em                              C 
Can't pretend that I was in the dark 
                D                             G 
When you met my friends, didn't even try with them 
I should've known right then 

              C              D 
That you were jealous and possessive 
G        Em 
So manipulatin' 
C           G 
Honestly, impressive 
D                     C 
You had me participatin' 

D G Back then, when I was runnin' out of your place Em C I said, "I never wanna see your face" D G I meant I couldn't wait to see it again Em C We were toxic till the end D G Uh-huh, 'cause even when I said it was over Em C You heard, "Baby, can you pull me in closer?" D G You were plotting how to stay in my head Em C We were toxic till the end
Interlude D Ladies and gentlemen G I present to you Em The ex C D G His favorite game is chess, who would ever guess? Em C Playing with the pieces in my chest D G Now he's on the screen and saying, "Don't leave" Em You stole that line from me C D 'Cause you're just jealous and possessive G Em So manipulatin' C G Honestly, impressive D C You had me participatin'
D G Back then, when I was runnin' out of your place Em C I said, "I never wanna see your face" D G I meant I couldn't wait to see it again Em C We were toxic till the end D G Uh-huh, 'cause even when I said it was over Em C You heard, "Baby, can you pull me in closer?" D G You were plotting how to stay in my head Em C D G Em We were toxic till the end, end, end
C D I can forgive you for a lot of things G Em For not giving me back my Tiffany rings C D I'll never forgive you for one thing, my dear G Em You wasted my prettiest years
C D G Back then, when I was runnin' out of your place Em C I said, "I never wanna see your face" D G I meant I couldn't wait to see it again Em C We were toxiiiic D G Uh-huh, 'cause even when I said it was over Em C You heard, "Baby, can you pull me in closer?" D G You were plotting how to stay in my head Em C D G We were toxic till the end, end, end Em C D G We were toxic till the end, end, end

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