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Apt. (bruno Mars) Acordes




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Apt. (bruno Mars)

(ROSÉ / Amy / Christopher / Rogét / Omer / Philip / Bruno / Theron / Henry / Michael / Nicholas)

	  Chaeyeongiga johaneun 

Raendeom geim 

Raendeom geim 

Game start 

Apateu, apateu Apateu, apateu Apateu, apateu Uh, uh huh, uh huh Apateu, apateu Apateu, apateu Apateu, apateu Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Cm Kissy face, kissy face, sent to your Bb Phone but Cm I'm trying to kiss your lips for Real Uh-huh, uh-huh Red hearts, red hearts Bb That’s what I’m on yeah Cm Come give me somethin' I can Feel Oh-oh, oh Ab Bb Don't you want me like I want you Baby? Cm Eb Don't you need me like I need you now? Ab Bb Sleep tomorrow, but tonight, go crazy Cm All you gotta do is just meet me at the
Cm Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh Cm Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Eb Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Cm It’s whatever, it’s whatever Bb It's whatever you like Cm Turn this apateu into a club (Uh-huh Uh-huh) Cm I’m talkin' drink, dance, smoke, freak Bb Party all night Cm Geonbae, geonbae, girl, what’s up? Oh-oh, oh Ab Bb Don't you want me like I want you Baby? Cm Eb Don't you need me like I need you now? Ab Bb Sleep tomorrow, but tonight, go crazy Cm All you gotta do is just meet me at the
Ab Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Eb Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh Ab Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Eb Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh
G7 Hey, so now you know the game Are you ready? 'Cause I’m comin to get ya ( Get ya, get Ya ) Cm Bb Hold on, hold on Eb C I’m on my way Bb Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah Eb C I’m on my way Cm Bb Hold on, hold on Eb C I’m on my way Cm Bb Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah F I’m on my way Ab Bb Don't you want me like I want you Baby? Cm Eb Don't you need me like I need you now? Ab Bb Sleep tomorrow, but tonight, go crazy Cm Eb All you gotta do is just meet me at the
Ab Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Eb Just meet me at the (Uh, uh-huh Uh-huh) Ab Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Eb Just meet me at the (Uh, uh-huh Uh-huh) Ab Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Eb Just meet me at the (Uh, uh-huh Uh-huh) Ab Apateu, apateu Bb Apateu, apateu Cm Apateu, apateu Eb Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh

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