Reed Turner

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Long Gone Acordes

Reed Turner



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Long Gone

Tono:  G Más
Long Gone Key DD
Long Gone Key D#D#
Long Gone Key EE
Long Gone Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
Long Gone Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Long Gone Key GG(tono original)
Long Gone Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Long Gone Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
Long Gone Key A#A#
Long Gone Key BB
Long Gone Key CC
Long Gone Key C#C#
Capo en el 2º traste


Dm  Dm 
Dm  Dm 
Dm  Dm 

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Intro Dm Dm Dm Dm e|----------------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------------------------| D|----------0-------------------0-----------0-------------------0-------| A|--0---3-------0---3---0---3-------0---3-------0---3---0---3-------3---| E|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
Dm All of a sudden, Dm Got free again, Dm Dm Found Jacob's ladder and it dodged to you, Dm Through a wink to be, Dm As he scaled the gate, Dm Smiled in the search lights Dm Glow . . . Dm He took the long way home, Interlude Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Sweet Joseph watched him from afar, Dm7 Dm7 That kid so tough and a shotgun hot, Dm7 Only 22, Dm7 Got an early start, Dm7 If only she’d know, Am She’d take the long way home, G Dm7 She’d take the long way home, Am G Dm7 She’d take the long way, Dm7 Dm7 Em F Gadd11 G Dm7 Dm7 She’s now gone. Instrumental Em F G Gadd9 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 There's a graveyard dark, Dm7 Searching for the bone, Dm7 Morning laid to rest, Dm7 Some time ago, Dm7 Beneath the tomb, Dm7 Of a name unknown, Dm7 No single line left, Dm7 On the star wall. Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Took the long way home, Dm7 Well dig through the flowers boy, Dm7 Dig through the earth, Dm7 Find what we all wanna know, Dm7 Can’t leave him here, Dm7 When you're digging for me, Dm7 Tell me where did I go boy, Dm7 Tell me where did I go. Am G I took the long way home . . . Dm7 I took the long way home, Am G Dm7 Dm I took the long way . . . Em F Gadd11 G Dm7 Dm7 Long gone. Instrumental Em F Gadd9 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Am G Dm7 Dm7 Am G Dm7 Dm7 Am G Dm7 Dm7 Outro Am G Dm7 Dm7 Tell the preacher man, Em F Am G Dm7 Dm7 Tell the local mad man, Am G Dm7 Dm7 Am G Dm7 Dm7 Am G Dm7 Dm7 (Fade Out)

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